
Staying Safe

By Ramon Gomez, Jr.
Apr 07, 2020

On Monday March 29th, Real Estate was deemed essential and we can continue to market and sell Real Estate with COVID-19 precautionary measures in place.

Intermountain Healthcare has opened 20 new COVID-19 Testing Sites. When should you visit a testing site? Well, understanding the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 is an important first step to finding the right point of care. If you have very mild cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home, self-isolate, and rest.

When to Stay at home: If your symptoms are not apparent or mild, which is most cases, stay at home and recover. Rest, drink fluid, stay six-feet away from others, and wash your hands and surfaces often.

Use Intermountain’s Symptom Checker: If symptoms are mild to moderate use our symptom checker or call the COVID-19 Hotline at 844-442-5224 to determine your risk and refer you to the right services for care.

Visit a Testing Site: If your symptoms are mild to severe visit one of Intermountain’s 20 testing sites locations in your community. Please don’t visit a testing site if you aren’t experiencing symptoms.

Do you have extra goggles? Goggles for Docs is an effort to get used or new ski goggles into the hands of healthcare workers who currently have no eye protection as they treat COVID-19 patients. If you are a skier/rider, shop, or manufacturer and have goggles to donate, use the link below to find hospitals to send your goggles to.

Looking for something new - the team at Apartment Therapy shares how You Can Virtually Hike Grand Canyon National Park and See the Colorful Rock Layers Up Close.

If you’re yearning for the great outdoors and want to be transported to another land, you’re in luck. Anyone with an electronic device can virtually travel to one of the most iconic national parks across the country: the Grand Canyon.

Thanks to Google Earth, users can enter the Grand Canyon National Park with the click of a button. You get to visit 18 stops throughout the grand tour, letting you witness the hanging cliffs, canyon walls, and panoramic views that the park is famously known for.

And there are many more stops where that came from (15, to be exact). Each one reveals a new perspective of the rock formations, plus a few attractions that you might not have known existed. Check out a 800-year-old ruins of an Ancestral Puebloan village, and walk across a suspension bridge that extends over Colorado River.

In addition to the Grand Canyon, Google Earth also offers tours of 30 other national parks across the U.S., from Yosemite to Badlands and Joshua Tree. So once you’re done with the Grand Canyon, there’s still plenty of exploring left to do.

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