
Spring Cleaning

By Ramon Gomez, Jr.
Apr 01, 2020

This week we thought we would utilize our additional time at home and share 7 Pro Organizers Reveal Their Biggest Organizing “Don’ts”. Organizing and decluttering can help you end up with the most functional, beautiful space you can, but it also saves you time, energy, money, and stress in the long run.

Don’t delay - The quickest way to declutter is to actually physically DO IT. Don’t buy a bunch of organizing products before you start decluttering. Our inner clutter about our outer clutter holds us back more than we know. Think of decluttering as a practice that brings peace, instead of a chore that brings fear. Do use labels, they don’t have to be pretty, but they do have to be legible.

Don’t try to organize clutter - You shouldn’t start organizing until you declutter. If you don’t value it, get rid of it. Whether it’s in drawers, cabinets, or on shelves, use appropriate containers to hold your items so that they don’t all get mixed up and disorganized.

Don’t try and tackle too much at once - Instead of working on the entire room start with a box, drawer, or a shelf. Once a week file, scan or shred documents. Put clothes, shoes, jewelry that you have worn throughout the week away. When you do the laundry schedule enough time to actually put it away. If you can devote one hour a week that is 52 hours dedicated to staying organized.

Don’t try to be someone you’re not - Don’t buy any organizational tools before you declutter. You probably already have most of what you need to organize your home. Try using things like old box tops and clean peanut butter jars for organizing. Don’t keep something just because it cost a lot of money. It’s the sunk-cost fallacy and it’s keeping you stuck. Everyone buys things they don’t need and everyone’s house gets messy from time to time.

Don’t keep something for the person you aspire to be. A lot of people keep jeans because they hope to fit in them someday. Don’t do this! Guilt is a terrible motivator. Donate the jeans, work on feeling better about your current body and move on. And don’t keep something because it was a gift from someone. The gesture was the gift. If you don’t like the object, sell it or donate it without guilt. Everyone buys things they don’t need and everyone’s house gets messy from time to time. Decluttering and organizing is an opportunity to reflect on your habits and create a happier home. There’s no need to beat up on yourself for having four can openers or clothes with tags still on in the closet.

Don’t hold on to something “just in case” - It’s easy to get into a spiral of keeping things just for the sake of keeping them, when six months down the road, you end up getting rid of it anyways. And after you accomplish an organizing or decluttering task, don’t forget to celebrate. So often when we organize, we finish and then look for the next thing that needs to be tackled. What you’ve just accomplished is a big deal and deserves to be enjoyed.

Don’t disrespect the limitations of your space - Respect the limitations of your space, give everything a home, store like with like, and buy less.

Don’t go out and buy containers first - When you start an organizing project do not start by buying containers, you could actually be ADDING to the clutter. Buying product is the last step of the process after things have been sorted and minimized, often we can repurpose containers we already have. Prioritize getting organized. Consolidating like items and then letting go of things you no longer need is the biggest part of getting organized.

In an effort to minimize travel, ordering food online can be a good option. Here are 9 Grocery Delivery Services to Bring Fresh Food to Your Door. Grocery shopping is one stress point for many of us and for many immunocompromised people, visiting the grocery store is not a viable option at all. Sites including Instacart, Shipt, and Amazon are options, but there are other services out there too, some of them with unique features and benefits. Here are some favorites from the team at Apartment Therapy.

1. Misfits Market sources “misfit”produce (wonky-shaped fruits and vegetables) from certified organic farms and ships them in boxes to zip codes in around two dozen states. The produce subscription boxes come in two different sizes — Mischief and Madness — which contain a mix of 12 to 14 different types of fruits and veggies, respectively. For more information: Misfits Market

2. Hungryroot is a weekly subscription service that sends groceries to your door (all across the continental U.S.) based on pre-set personal preferences (gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, vegan, etc!). The company recently announced heightened food safety standards and increased sanitation measures. For more information: Hungryroot

3. Farmbox Direct - Serving the entire continental US, Farmbox Direct is a produce delivery service whose offerings change weekly, depending on what is “fresh, local, and in-season.” Customers appreciate the control that comes with this service, as you can choose five fruit and veggie substitutions per delivery. For more information: Farmbox Direct

4. Imperfect Foods - Similar to Misfits Market, Imperfect Foods has made it its goal to provide less-than-perfect produce to consumers at a discounted price to reduce food waste and change customer perceptions. Imperfect Foods currently delivers to most of the West South Central region, Midwest, Northeast and all along the West Coast. Check here for to see if they serve your area. For more information: Imperfect Foods

5. Hungry Harvest is a food-rescue minded company that ships affordable produce and elected add-ons to MD, Washington, D.C, VA, and parts of PA, NJ, DE, FL, NC, and Detroit. Based on where you live, how often you cook, your produce preferences, and how many people you’re feeding, you can choose a Harvest Box that works for you. For more information: Hungry Harvest

6. Boxed is an online bulk delivery service that ships everywhere in the continental U.S. They offer cleaning products, snacks, drinks, canned goods, spices, cereals, and much more. For more information: Boxed

7. Moink provides customizable meat subscription boxes, filled with beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and wild-caught salmon. You can elect for your box to be sent in 3, 4, 6, or 8 week intervals. The ethical meat is sourced from family farms. For more information: Moink Box

8. Butcher Box allows you to order curated mixes of high-quality beef, chicken, or pork — or you can customize your own box. For more information: Butcher Box

9. Thrive Market offers pantry staples like wine, meat and seafood, beauty products, and much more.  For more information: Thrive Market

Stay well, Ramon & Judy

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